My Work Experience

As a Product Manager. A product requirement document is a document containing all the requirements to a certains product.

It is a written to allow people understand what a product should do.

A PRD document should follow a top-down approach that starts with the overall vision of what you want to accomplish. It should then tie product goals and initiatives with the features required to achieve that vision. A well-defined PRD also includes details about how the end user will interact with the functionality and what it will look like.

Many people associate PRDs with the waterfall development methodology. In waterfall, requirements are defined in the first phase of the project and provide a detailed description of what will be built. In my recent years, agile development has shifted organizations towards using a more adaptive planning approach. This means requirements are continuously added to the backlog and prioritized based on importance.

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Product Research, As a growth product Manager i have learnt over the years that the most top skills of a successful product is customer research,You need to understand you have to build a product a customer want or will pay.

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So what is product research? Product research is how you validate a product idea and see if it’ll be successful or not. It’s a part of the product development process that helps identify customer needs and if your idea can meet market demand. The result is a better return on investment on your product.

Few Pointer when i work on product research

Will the product be a sucess in the market?

What are similar products in the markets?

What's the best way to develop and sell the product?

Businesses that perform regular product research stay ahead of competitors. It also helps with developing innovative, high-value products, because you’ll always know what’s on trend and if the trends will grow sustainably.

Began my journey into tech right from my University, Bsc In computer science and information technology. I had the opportunity to serve in the capital teritory of Nigeria (Abuja).

During my service year i discovered relearn by CcHub, That's how my career and growth change forever, I grew as python dev to a front end developer in the matter of 1+ year. Which eventually retired for project management. Spent few years mastering project management. Then i venture into product management because of my love in products discovery,design and customer retention.

I grew over the years into product management and project management, i found the two well aligned my skillset and experience, this which i have learnt from expert across all sectors and around the world.

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